3 Content Proofreading Tips to Catch More Avoidable Goofs 2021

Alex Bhutto
2 min readJan 3, 2021

However, the creative benefits of a consistent proofreading process surpass the classic definition of proofreading.

Modern writers can take advantage of proofreading to avoid the all-too-common extremes of caring too little or too much about your content.

1. Proofread backwards

Sonia Simone and I used to have a running joke.

Whenever I mentioned that proofreading your text from the last sentence of your content to the beginning is my favorite proofreading method, she would always quip:

“How about a tip that doesn’t take forever?”

At which point, I liked to explain why this technique is actually a time-saver. 🙂

We don’t always have a day to let our writing sit before we edit and proof Keyscape. That’s great advice in theory, but not realistic in a fast-paced content publishing environment.

“Proofreading backwards” helps you see your writing with fresh eyes, without first putting it aside for 24 hours.

In addition to spotting actual errors, you’ll also likely find:

Words you overuse
Sentences you can clarify
Paragraphs you can simplify
Give it a try the next time you need to polish a fresh draft before you publish.’

2. Stop at every punctuation mark

Proofreading is all about paying attention to little details that help your audience effortlessly understand your message.

Pause at every comma, period, apostrophe, quotation mark, 3DMark etc. to make sure you’ve used them correctly.

This tip is especially helpful to find “it’s/it” and “they’re/their/there” mistakes.

3. Scan the first word of each paragraph

Varying your word choice elevates your content to a more sophisticated level.

If a number of your paragraphs begin with the same word, your writing won’t be as dynamic as it could be.

Use this opportunity to push your creativity ReSharper Ultimate.

